Report Detail

Technology Telco B2B & Consumer IoT Strategies and Case Studies

  • RnM3818105
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  • 24 October, 2019
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  • Global
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  • 36 Pages
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  • GlobalData
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  • Technology

Telco B2B & Consumer IoT Strategies and Case Studies


There are four key monetization opportunities for telcos in consumer IoT mentioned in this report. However, since none of these opportunities are mutually exclusive, most telcos today are attempting to ascertain the right focus and mix between the four approaches, and the state of today’s market can be summed up as a go-to-market trial and error. Certainly, all telcos recognize that there is no clear or uncontested position for them in either the smart home or wide area connected device value chain, and finding the right niche and balance of monetization objectives, is a longer-term strategic goal. For broadband and TV service providers, establishing a firm service foothold in the multiplay home for longer-term revenue protection is key.

Telco B2B & Consumer IoT Strategies and Case Studies’ a new Global Outlook Report by GlobalData, provides an executive-level overview of the global telecom B2B and consumer strategies, with case studies. It delivers deep qualitative insights into the IoT industry, telecom IoT value chain, select telecom service launches, Telecom B2B and Consumer IoT strategies and use cases.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the following -
- IoT taxonomy & market context: an overview of IoT, IIoT, the telecom value chain with analysis and select telecom IoT services launches at a global level.
- Telecom B2B IoT strategies and use cases: an overview of the key global telecom IoT use cases, value propositions, strategies, monetization models, service models.
- Telecom Consumer IoT strategies and use cases: this section provides an overview of the key global telecom IoT use cases, business strategies, monetization models, partnerships, key verticals, connectivity and connectivity platforms utilised.
- Key findings and recommendations: the Global Outlook Report concludes with a number of key findings and a set of recommendations for B2B and consumer IoT stakeholders, especially telecom operators.


- B2B IoT - Foster Development Community: Leaving app development to IT providers and systems integrators like IBM and Accenture leaves money on the table and cedes account control. If they are serious about value-added services, operators need to figure out a way either to develop branded applications in-house or to convince developers to do so.
- Consumer IoT: Long-term customer value creation and loyalty is a key driver for telco innovation in the smart home. Many telcos today are seeking to align smart home packages with their multiplay portfolios, and in some cases, there is evidence of carriers offering their highest-spend convergence customers preferable pricing - a marketing strategy which warrants some study.
- Operators should be proactive in identifying use cases and providing evidence of their success, including details on how much deployments are generating in revenues and other quantifiable metrics such as cost savings.

Reasons to buy

- This Global Outlook Report provides a comprehensive examination of the telecom B2B and consumer IoT strategies, value chain, business models and use cases. It helps executives fully understand the ecosystem, market dynamics, latest developments and value chain. It helps telecom decision-makers determine key telecom IoT positioning strategies, formulate effective product development plans and optimize returns on investments.
- Four case studies illustrate the findings of the report, providing insights around different value propositions across the world, including services, monetization approaches and partnerships. This will help telecom executives craft adapted B2B and Consumer IoT strategies to unlock new revenue streams.
- The report discusses concrete opportunities in the telecom B2B and consumer IoT market, providing a number of actionable recommendations for IoT participants, including telecom operators.

Table of Contents

    List of Exhibits

      Executive Summary for Business IoT

        Executive Summary for Consumer IoT

          Section 1: Taxonomy and Market Context

            Defining IoT and IIoT

              Telecom IoT Value Chain

                Select Telco IoT Service Launches

                  Section 2: Telecom B2B IoT Strategies and Use Cases

                    Deciphering the IoT Telecom Opportunity for B2B

                      Operator Service Profile: AT&T

                        Operator Use Case: AT&T and the City of San José

                          Operator Service Profile: Verizon

                            Operator Use Case: Verizon and Peninsula Light Company

                              Operator Service Profile: Telefónica

                                Operator Use Case: Telefónica and Dufry

                                  Section 3: Telecom Consumer IoT Strategies and Use Cases

                                    Telecom Consumer IoT Monetization Models

                                      Operator Use Case: Comcast, Xfinity Home

                                        Operator Use Case: Vodafone, V-Home

                                          Operator Use Case: HKT, Smart Living

                                            Section 4: Findings and Recommendations

                                              B2B IoT: Findings and Recommendations

                                                Consumer IoT: Findings and Recommendations


                                                    Acronyms and Definitions

                                                      Companies Mentioned

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