Report Detail

Financial Services Spain Retail Banking: Opportunities and Risks to 2023

  • RnM3819860
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  • 07 November, 2019
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  • Spain
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  • 41 Pages
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  • GlobalData
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  • Financial Services

Spain Retail Banking: Opportunities and Risks to 2023


Total loan balances outstanding in Spain declined from €742.5bn ($850.6bn) in 2014 to €697.3bn ($798.8bn) in 2018, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of -1.6%. Credit card balances outstanding was the fastest-growing credit segment during the review period, followed by personal loans and mortgage loans.

However, the Spanish government has eased loan requirements and extended the repossession period for mortgage loans. This, coupled with favorable financing conditions and easier loan acquisitions being offered by banks, should constitute a CAGR of 0.3% in loan balances outstanding between 2019 and 2023. This growth will also be driven by an increasing number of non-bank lenders and digital lending platforms breaking into the market and offering competitive interest rates as well as instant micro-consumer and SME loans.

Based on our proprietary datasets, this report analyzes the Spanish lending market, with a focus on the consumer lending segment. The report discusses in detail the credit card, personal, and mortgage loan markets, covering market size, competitors’ market shares, and survey insights. The report also provides a market overview and insights on the retail deposit segment. In addition, it covers the key digital disruptors in Spain’s retail lending segment.


- Credit card balances outstanding recorded a strong CAGR of 9.8% during 2014-18. Consequently, with the rising use of credit cards, the average amount that Spanish consumers owed on credit cards also increased during the same period.
- Spain’s personal loan market recorded a CAGR of 2.2% during 2014-18, supported by economic improvements, growth in net disposable incomes, and low interest rates.
- The Spanish residential mortgage market registered a negative CAGR of -2.9% during 2014-18, with its steepest annual fall coming in 2015 at -4.8%.

Reasons to buy

- Make strategic decisions using top-level historic and forecast data on the Spanish retail lending industry.
- Identify the most promising lending segment.
- Receive detailed insights into lending in Spain, including consumer lending.
- Understand the changing market and competitive dynamics by learning about new competitors and recent deals in the retail lending space.
- Receive comprehensive coverage of the retail deposit market in Spain.

Table of Contents

    Macroeconomic Overview

      Consumer Lending: Mortgage Loans

        Consumer Lending: Personal Loans

          Consumer Lending: Credit Card Loans

            Retail Deposits

              Digital Disruptors

                Recent Deals


                  Get latest Market Research Reports on Spain Retail Banking. Industry analysis & Market Report on Spain Retail Banking is a syndicated market report, published as Spain Retail Banking: Opportunities and Risks to 2023. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of Spain Retail Banking market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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