Report Detail

Other Reverse logistics Market in India 2019

  • RnM2880701
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  • 05 February, 2019
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  • Global
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  • 106 Pages
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  • Netscribes
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  • Other

Netscribes' latest market research report titled Reverse Logistics Market in India 2015 highlights the competitive market scenario of the Indian reverse logistics market and its growth prospects in the ensuing years. The demand for reverse logistics in India is experiencing rising demand due to various driving factors which, in turn, have been instrumental in providing immense opportunities to companies to grow and operate in the market lucratively. Reverse logistics essentially encompasses customer pick-up, call center management of returns, warranty management, repairing, refurbishing, repacking of returned items, and resale of refurbished items to the end customer. Growing Indian economy is having a strong impact on both forward as well as reverse logistics. The Indian market is highly fragmented with large section of unorganized players playing a dominant role.
There are certain factors that have predominantly worked towards Indian reverse logistics market to grow in recent years. These include boom in retail trade, growth in consumer electronics and durables market. These factors are contributing towards the rapid growth of the industry. Being one of the largest industries dealing with one of the most expensive consumer goods, reverse logistics becomes an important subject for the automobile industry and also pharmaceutical sector. With technology adoption, manufacturers are experiencing superior inventory management.

Slide 1: Executive Summary

    Macroeconomic Indicators

      Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2011-2012, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul-Aug 2013 - Nov-Dec 2013)

        Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Feb 2013 - Jul 2013), Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Apr 2014 - Sep 2014)

          Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2011-2012, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15), Trade Balance: Annual (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14), FDI: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)


              Slide 5-6: Logistics Sector - Introduction, Reverse Logistics - Overview

                Forward & Reverse Logistics: Comparison

                  Slide 7-8: Comparative Study of Forward and Reverse Logistics

                    Market Overview

                      Slide 9-10: Reverse Logistics - Indian Market Overview

                        Distribution Channel

                          Slide 11: Reverse Logistics - Distribution Channel

                            Need for Reverse Logistics

                              Slide 12-15: Need for Reverse Logistics

                                Reverse Logistics Models

                                  Slide 16: Reverse Logistics Models: Summary

                                    Slide 17-19: Need for Reverse Logistics

                                      Industry-wise Outlook

                                        Slide 20: Industry-wise Outlook - Summary

                                          Slide 21-24: Retail Market - Overview, Need for Logistics in Indian Retail Sector, Need for Reverse Logistics in Indian Retail Sector, Forward and Reverse Supply Chain in Retail Sector

                                            Slide 25-27: Electronics Market - Overview, Need for Logistics in Indian Electronics Sector, Need for Reverse Logistics in Indian Electronics Sector

                                              Slide 28-31: Automobile Market - Overview, Need for Logistics in Indian Automobile Sector, Need for Reverse Logistics in Indian Automobile Sector, Forward and Reverse Supply Chain in Automobile Sector

                                                Slide 32-35: Pharmaceutical Market - Overview, Need for Logistics in Indian Pharmaceutical Sector, Need for Reverse Logistics in Indian Pharmaceutical Sector, Forward and Reverse Supply Chain in Pharmaceutical Sector

                                                  Drivers & Challenges

                                                    Slide 36: Drivers and Challenges - Summary

                                                      Slide 37-41: Drivers

                                                        Slide 42-45: Challenges

                                                          Key Issues

                                                            Slide 46: Key Issues

                                                              Technology Adoption

                                                                Slide 47-51: Benefits of Technology Adoption, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Reverse Logistics Management System (RLMS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

                                                                  Recent Trend

                                                                    Slide 52-53: Recent Trend in the Market

                                                                      Competitive Landscape

                                                                        Slide 54: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

                                                                          Slide 55: Competitive Benchmarking, Public Trading Comparables

                                                                            Slide 56-58: Competitive Benchmarking, Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Operational Basis (FY 2013)

                                                                              Slide 59: Competitive Benchmarking, Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Financial Basis (FY 2013)

                                                                                Slide 60-69: Major Public Players

                                                                                  Slide 70-103: Major Private Players

                                                                                    Strategic Recommendation

                                                                                      Slide 104: Strategies


                                                                                          Slide 105: Key Ratios Description

                                                                                            Slide 106: Sources of Information

                                                                                            Get latest Market Research Reports on Reverse logistics . Industry analysis & Market Report on Reverse logistics is a syndicated market report, published as Reverse logistics Market in India 2019. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of Reverse logistics market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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