Report Detail

Offline Remote Market in the UK 2018-2023: The offline remote market includes consumer spending on products via mail order, telephone shopping and door-to-door channels (including direct selling events such as an Avon party)


"Offline Remote Market in the UK 2018-2023", report forms part of GlobalData's Retail Channels series, and offers a comprehensive insight into the market dynamics of the offline remote market channel.

As shoppers increasingly turn to the online channel, spend via the offline remote market will continue to decline over the next five years, falling by £710.5m to £1,007.2m by 2023, to account for just 0.3% of UK offline retail spend. Despite the decrease, the rate of decline is forecast to slow as a bedrock of consumers who prefer to use mail order, telephone shopping and door-to-door shopping methods, remain.

Although it will remain the largest sector in the offline remote market, accounting for 38.6% of spend in 2023, clothing & footwear is set to be one of the fastest declining categories over the next five years with spend falling 48.2% to £388.8m in 2023 - accounting for just 0.6% of total sector spend versus 34.4% of spend forecast to be generated online.


- The offline remote market will continue to decline, with spend falling 41.4%, out to 2023
- Clothing & footwear will dominate spend, though its channel share will fall 5.1ppts to 38.6%
- As on-demand and video services grow in popularity, spend influenced by TV will slide.

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- Use our in-depth market insight to learn about the forecast for the offline remote market for the different sectors.

Table of Contents


      The offline remote market will continue to decline, with spend falling 41.4%, out to 2023

        Clothing & footwear will dominate spend, though its channel share will fall 5.1ppts to 38.6%

          As on-demand and video services grow in popularity, spend influenced by TV will slide

            Online share of total retail

              Offline share of total offline retail

                The market at a glance

                  Overall channel size

                    Overall channel growth

                      Channel spend split by sector

                        Sector growth in the channel

                          Spend influenced by the TV channel

                            Sector split of spend influenced by the TV channel

                              Definitions- what is included

                              Get latest Market Research Reports on Offline Remote Market in the UK . Industry analysis & Market Report on Offline Remote Market in the UK is a syndicated market report, published as Offline Remote Market in the UK 2018-2023: The offline remote market includes consumer spending on products via mail order, telephone shopping and door-to-door channels (including direct selling events such as an Avon party). It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of Offline Remote Market in the UK market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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