An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument which is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings by either emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion.
Infrared waves are not visible to the human eye. In the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared radiation can be found between the visible and microwave regions. The infrared waves typically have wavelengths between 0.75 and 1000µm. The wavelength region which ranges from 0.75 to 3µm is known as the near infrared regions. The region between 3 and 6µm is known as the mid-infrared and infrared radiation which has a wavelength greater higher than 6µm is known as far infrared.
The global Infrared Sensor market was valued at xx million US$ in 2018 and will reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx% during 2019-2025.
This report focuses on Infrared Sensor volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents overall Infrared Sensor market size by analyzing historical data and future prospect.
Regionally, this report categorizes the production, apparent consumption, export and import of Infrared Sensor in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India.
For each manufacturer covered, this report analyzes their Infrared Sensor manufacturing sites, capacity, production, ex-factory price, revenue and market share in global market.
The following manufacturers are covered:
Axis communications
Bosch security systems
Current corporation
Dali Technology
DRS Technologies
E.D. Bullard
FLIR systems
Fluke corporation
General dynamics
Infrared integrated sys
Segment by Regions
North America
Southeast Asia
Segment by Type
by Spectrum Range
Long Wave (LWIR)
Short Wave IR (SWIR)
Far Wave (FWIR)
Mid Wave IR (MWIR)
by Types
Communication Modules (IrDA)
IR Receivers
IR Linear Arrays
Passive IR Sensor
Tilt Sensor
Thermopile IR Sensor
Photo Reflector
IR Emitters (LEDs)
Segment by Application
Commercial Applications
Military and Defense
Manufacturing Industry
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1 Industry Overview of Infrared Sensor
1.1 Definition of Infrared Sensor
1.2 Infrared Sensor Segment by Spectrum Range
1.2.1 Global Infrared Sensor Production Growth Rate Comparison by Spectrum Range (2014-2025)
1.2.2 Long Wave (LWIR)
1.2.3 Short Wave IR (SWIR)
1.2.4 Far Wave (FWIR)
1.2.5 Mid Wave IR (MWIR)
1.3 Infrared Sensor Segment by Applications
1.3.1 Global Infrared Sensor Consumption Comparison by Applications (2014-2025)
1.3.2 Commercial Applications
1.3.3 Healthcare
1.3.4 Automotive
1.3.5 Military and Defense
1.3.6 Semiconductors
1.3.7 Telecommunications
1.3.8 Manufacturing Industry
1.4 Global Infrared Sensor Overall Market
1.4.1 Global Infrared Sensor Revenue (2014-2025)
1.4.2 Global Infrared Sensor Production (2014-2025)
1.4.3 North America Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
1.4.4 Europe Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
1.4.5 China Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
1.4.6 Japan Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
1.4.7 Southeast Asia Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
1.4.8 India Infrared Sensor Status and Prospect (2014-2025)
2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Infrared Sensor
2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Infrared Sensor
2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Infrared Sensor
3 Development and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Infrared Sensor
3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date
3.2 Global Infrared Sensor Manufacturing Plants Distribution
3.3 Major Manufacturers Technology Source and Market Position of Infrared Sensor
3.4 Recent Development and Expansion Plans
4 Key Figures of Major Manufacturers
4.1 Infrared Sensor Production and Capacity Analysis
4.2 Infrared Sensor Revenue Analysis
4.3 Infrared Sensor Price Analysis
4.4 Market Concentration Degree
5 Infrared Sensor Regional Market Analysis
5.1 Infrared Sensor Production by Regions
5.1.1 Global Infrared Sensor Production by Regions
5.1.2 Global Infrared Sensor Revenue by Regions
5.2 Infrared Sensor Consumption by Regions
5.3 North America Infrared Sensor Market Analysis
5.3.1 North America Infrared Sensor Production
5.3.2 North America Infrared Sensor Revenue
5.3.3 Key Manufacturers in North America
5.3.4 North America Infrared Sensor Import and Export
5.4 Europe Infrared Sensor Market Analysis
5.4.1 Europe Infrared Sensor Production
5.4.2 Europe Infrared Sensor Revenue
5.4.3 Key Manufacturers in Europe
5.4.4 Europe Infrared Sensor Import and Export
5.5 China Infrared Sensor Market Analysis
5.5.1 China Infrared Sensor Production
5.5.2 China Infrared Sensor Revenue
5.5.3 Key Manufacturers in China
5.5.4 China Infrared Sensor Import and Export
5.6 Japan Infrared Sensor Market Analysis
5.6.1 Japan Infrared Sensor Production
5.6.2 Japan Infrared Sensor Revenue
5.6.3 Key Manufacturers in Japan
5.6.4 Japan Infrared Sensor Import and Export
5.7 Southeast Asia Infrared Sensor Market Analysis
5.7.1 Southeast Asia Infrared Sensor Production
5.7.2 Southeast Asia Infrared Sensor Revenue
5.7.3 Key Manufacturers in Southeast Asia
5.7.4 Southeast Asia Infrared Sensor Import and Export
Summary: Get latest Market Research Reports on Infrared Sensor. Industry analysis & Market Report on Infrared Sensor is a syndicated market report, published as Global Infrared Sensor Market Professional Survey Report 2019. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of Infrared Sensor market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.