IGBT and MOSFET gate driver photocouplers are a semiconductor device that provides a way to rapidly switch the input signal of high power IGBTs and MOSFETs while providing for high electrical isolation. Isolation is important because it blocks potential high voltages, isolates the ground and prevents noise currents from entering the low voltage control circuitry. Such signals can interfere with circuit operation and damage sensitive circuits. They are used in applications like motor control (where rapid switching can be used as a speed controller), Inverters and switched-mode power supplies. This may also be very important in meeting safety compliance regulations.
IGBT stands for insulated-gate bipolar transistor. MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor. These are high-speed solid state switches not inside the device itself. They require extremely little current to turn them on relative to the current being switched. Because of the high currents these devices can switch (even hundreds of Amps), the switching currents required to switch the device on and off can still be quite high. The IGBT or MOSFETs gate input capacitance is in part created by an effect caused by negative feedback of the amplifier referred to as the Miller Effect or reverse transfer capacitance. This effect increases the capacitance roughly in proportion to the gain of the switch. The driver circuit needs to be capable of driving this load, being able to rapidly switch the voltage levels on the gate of the power IGBT or MOSFET to turn the device on and off. Time in the transition between on and off levels leads to power being dissipated in the IGBT or MOSFET, lowers efficiency or possibly even damages the device.
The device has a low voltage input that can turn the internal photodiode on or off.
This usually requires a voltage transition across the LEDs forward voltage typically around 1-1.4 Volts and current of around 10mA. A beam of light from the LED crosses an electrically insulting barrier and is sensed by a photo detector. This signal is used to turn the IGBT or MOSFET Driver in the device on and off. The driver must be able to provide an extremely fast transition on either switching transition to maintain the efficiency of the external IGBT or MOSFET switch. This means the driver must be able to sink or source very large (even amps) of current during these edges to charge or discharge the input capacitance quickly.
The driver circuitry may have integrated fault detection circuitry to tell if the switch is being unduly stressed by the load, or some failure condition has occurred. These signals can be sent by some devices back across the photodiode isolated barrier to the low voltage side so that it can be detected by the isolated control circuitry.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market
The global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market was valued at US$ XX in 2020 and will reach US$ XX million by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of XX% during 2022-2027.
Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Scope and Market Size
The global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market is segmented by company, region (country), by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by region (country), by Type and by Application for the period 2016-2027.
Segment by Type
Segment by Application
Motor Control
Switched-Mode Power
The IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). Segment by Application, the IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market is segmented into North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Other Regions.
By Company
California Eastern Laboratories
Evertight Electronics
Isocom Components
Lite-On Technology
ON Semiconductor
Silicon Labs
Toshiba Memory
1 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Overview
1.1 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Product Scope
1.2 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Segment by Type
1.2.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Sales by Type (2016 & 2021 & 2027)
1.2.2 600V
1.2.3 1000V
1.2.4 1500V
1.2.5 2000V
1.2.6 Others
1.3 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Segment by Application
1.3.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Sales Comparison by Application (2016 & 2021 & 2027)
1.3.2 Motor Control
1.3.3 Inverters
1.3.4 Switched-Mode Power
1.3.5 Others
1.4 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Estimates and Forecasts (2016-2027)
1.4.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2016-2027)
1.4.2 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2016-2027)
1.4.3 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Price Trends (2016-2027)
2 IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Forecasts by Region
2.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027
2.2 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2016-2021)
2.2.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
2.2.2 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
2.3 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027)
2.3.1 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027)
2.3.2 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027)
2.4.1 North America IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
2.4.2 Europe IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
2.4.3 China IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
2.4.4 Japan IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
2.4.5 Southeast Asia IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
2.4.6 India IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Estimates and Projections (2016-2027)
3 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Competition Landscape by Players
3.1 Global Top IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Players by Sales (2016-2021)
3.2 Global Top IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Players by Revenue (2016-2021)
3.3 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler as of 2020)
3.4 Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Average Price by Company (2016-2021)
3.5 Manufacturers IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type
Summary: Get latest Market Research Reports on IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler. Industry analysis & Market Report on IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler is a syndicated market report, published as Global IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler Sales Market Report 2021. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of IGBT and MOSFET Gate Driver Photocoupler market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.