Report Detail

Technology Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East: Drivers, Market Players, and Telcos’ Role

  • RnM3254117
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  • 03 April, 2019
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  • Global
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  • 24 Pages
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  • GlobalData
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  • Technology

Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East: Drivers, Market Players, and Telcos’ Role


"Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East: Drivers, Market Players, and Telcos’ Role", is a new Telecom Insider Report by GlobalData and provides an executive-level overview of the ecommerce market in Africa and the Middle East.

It delivers deep qualitative insights into the ecommerce market, ecommerce value chain, and ecosystem dynamics in the region. It also analyzes key trends and ecommerce solutions being implemented in Africa and the Middle East.

This report looks at the ecommerce market landscape in Africa and the Middle East, examining the main growth drivers and players operating on it. Special attention is put on understanding the role that telcos play in the ecommerce value chain. This report also includes a brief definition and categorization of the main types of ecommerce, as well as insights for the largest markets in the region. Finally, we include two case studies illustrate the findings of the report, providing insights around ecommerce offering in the region. The case studies also give an overview of the type of ecommerce solutions, use cases and value propositions telcos have rolled out.

It provides an in-depth analysis of the following -
- Section 1: Definition and ecommerce market context in Africa and the Middle East; provides a general overview, looking at key market insights and growth trends and providing an overview of the main ecommerce players in the region. This section also analyzes in detail the main growth drivers and examines the role that telecom operators play in the ecommerce value chain.
- Section 2: Case studies; includes three case studies on key ecommerce players: illustrates the findings of the report, providing insights around ecommerce offering in the region. The case studies also give an overview of the type of ecommerce solutions, use cases, and value propositions telcos have rolled out.
- Section 3: Key findings and recommendations; the insider concludes with a number of key findings and a set of recommendations for the ecommerce stakeholders, including telecom service providers.


- The ecommerce market in the AME is relatively heterogeneous, with significant differences in development between MENA and SSA.
- GlobalData estimates the three largest B2C ecommerce markets in AME are located in the MENA region and generated US$30.9 billion in 2018.
- The proliferation of mobile internet and smartphone devices in the AME will be one of the primary growth drivers for ecommerce activities.
- Due to in relatively poor transportation infrastructure and inaccurate postal addresses, many businesses in the AME often find it challenging to deliver physical merchandise to consumers. Several ecommerce players have developed their own courier companies or partnered/purchased with courier companies to circumvent this challenge.

Reasons to buy

- This Insider Report provides a comprehensive examination of the main trends taking place in Africa and the Middle Eastern ecommerce market, helping executives fully understand market dynamics, determine what works and what doesn’t, formulate effective product development plans, and optimize resource allocation and return on investment.
- The report includes examples on strategies adopted by ecommerce players that illustrate the findings of the report; this will help the reader understand both the challenges confronted in the real world and the strategies employed to overcome those challenges.
- With more than ten exhibits, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, to help to understand the ecommerce market, analyzing key trends, and strategies.

Table of Contents

    List of exhibits

      Executive summary

        Section 1: Definitions & ecommerce market context in Africa and the Middle East (AME)

          Ecommerce definition

            Ecommerce market drivers in AME

              Improved connectivity

                Locally adapted payment options

                  Innovative last-mile delivery solutions

                    Key ecommerce players in AME

                      Telco’s role in the ecommerce value chain

                        Section 2: Case studies

                          Safaricom Kenya

                            Zain Iraq

                              Section 3: Key findings and recommendations


                                  Acronyms and definitions

                                    Companies mentioned

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                                      Get latest Market Research Reports on Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East. Industry analysis & Market Report on Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East is a syndicated market report, published as Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East: Drivers, Market Players, and Telcos’ Role. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of Ecommerce Landscape in Africa and the Middle East market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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