Report Detail

Technology Global 5G Market –A USD 251 Bn Opportunity By 2025

  • RnM2778179
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  • 24 June, 2019
  • |
  • Global
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  • 90 Pages
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  • Netscribes
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  • Technology

Global 5G Market

The fifth generation of mobile technology (5G technology) is expected to cater to the demand and the business frameworks needed by and beyond 2020; but it is not without its disruptions. In addition to driving a connected society, 5G wireless technology will bring about socio-economic transformations through productivity, sustainability and well-being. Mobile 5G seems to be on course to be the next big thing in the global digital connectivity ecosystem. However, mobile 4G LTE will dominate in terms of volume for the next ten years at least. According to Netscribes’ research, the global 5G market is forecasted to expand at a CAGR of around 97% over a five-year period and will reach a value of USD 251 Bn by 2025.

Key Growth Factors:

The main driver of 5G is the ever-increasing demand for enhanced mobile internet experiences, clubbed with smartphone adoption among users. 5G technology will address rising bandwidth requirements, demand for advanced application services, and higher acceptance of the Internet of Things (IOT).

Threats and Key Players:

Well-defined 5G standards and a clean regulatory environment will help realize the full potential of 5G services. Inadequate spectrum and infrastructure will hinder developing nations in their efforts to adopt 5G services. The top-ten global service provider companies covered in the study include:
o China Mobile
o Verizon Communications
o AT&T
o Vodafone
o Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
o Sprint Corporation
o Deutsche Telekom
o Telefónica
o América Móvil
o China Telecommunications Corporation

Related Definitions:

o Classic SIM Connection A subscriber identification module (SIM) is an integrated circuit(IC) that is designed to securely store the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used for identification and authentication of subscribers on mobile telephony devices (such as mobile phones and computers). SIM cards are used on GSM phones, and they are required for the latest LTE-capable handsets.

o Machine-to-Machine (M2M) SIM Connection– Refers to the technologies that enable devices/ machines and sensors or “things” (within the Internet of Things) to communicate with each other, and with other Internet-enabled devices and systems.

What’s covered in the report:

o Drivers for 5G adoption, trends, and challenges in the present telecommunication industry
o Total number of global and regional SIM cellular connections and SIM M2M cellular connections across (5G, 4G, 3G, 2G) generations
o Global and regional data usage for both SIM cellular connections and SIM M2M cellular connections across (5G, 4G, 3G, 2G) generations
o Global and regional data traffic for both SIM cellular connections and SIM M2M cellular connections across (5G, 4G, 3G, 2G) generations
o Global 5G market by applications - Internet of Things, Robotics & Automation, Virtual Reality, Others)
o Potential 5G Global Landscape

Why buy?

o Get a broad understanding of the global 5G market, the dynamics of the market, and the current state of the industry
o Understanding the global 5G market by applications - Internet of Things, Robotics & Automation, Virtual Reality, others)
o Understand SIM Cellular Connection and SIM M2M Cellular Connection advancements/ decay across 5G, 4G, 3G, and 2G generations.
o Recognize major competitors' business and market dynamics, and respond accordingly

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Chapter 1: Executive Summary

    a. Market segmentation

      b. Key questions answered in this study

        c. Executive summary

          d. Telecommunication industry evolution

            e. Global 5G Overview- 2025

              f. Global 5G Depiction Landscape

                Chapter 2:- Global: Market Overview

                  a. Global Market Drivers

                    i. IOT/ M2M (Industry Penetration)

                      ii. IOT/ M2M (Applications)

                        iii. Enhanced Mobile Broadband

                          iv. Smartphone Adaptation

                            v. Data Density

                              b. Global Market Size: SIM Cellular Connections (2016-2025) (USD Bn) : SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Bn) 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Bn), 4G,3G,2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Bn), key observations

                                c. Global Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: SIM M2M Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Bn), 5G SIM M2M Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G,3G,2G SIM M2M Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                  d. Global Market Size- Data consumption by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G data usage (GB/month)(2020,2025), 4G data usage (GB/month)(2016,2020,2025), 3G data usage (GB/month)(2016,2020,2025),key observations

                                    e. Global Market Size- Data consumption by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G data usage (GB/month)(2020,2025), 4G data usage (GB/month)(2016,2020,2025), 3G data usage (GB/month)(2016,2020,2025), key observations

                                      f. Global Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB/year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                        g. Global Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB/year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                          h. Global Market Size- Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                            Chapter 3: Global 5G market – applications (Internet of Things, Robotics & Automation, Virtual Reality, Other)

                                              a. Internet of Things- forecasted (2018-2025) market size (USD Bn), key observations

                                                b. Robotics & Automation- forecasted (2018-2025) market size (USD Bn), key observations

                                                  c. Virtual Reality- forecasted (2018-2025) market size (USD Bn), key observations

                                                    d. Others- forecasted (2018-2025) market size (USD Bn), key observations

                                                      Chapter 4: North America- Market Overview

                                                        a. North America -Market Drivers:

                                                          b. North America Market Size- SIM Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn), key observations

                                                            c. North America Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                                              d. North America Market Size- Data Usage by SIM Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                e. North America Market Size- Data Usage by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                  f. North America Market Size-Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                    g. North America Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                      h. North America Market Size - Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                        i. North America Market Size – by applications: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                          j. North America- Market Trends

                                                                            k. North America- Market Challenges

                                                                              Chapter 5: Europe- Market Overview

                                                                                a. Europe-Market Drivers:

                                                                                  b. Europe Market Size- SIM Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn), key observations

                                                                                    c. Europe Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                                                                      d. Europe Market Size- Data Usage by SIM Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observation

                                                                                        e. Europe Market Size- Data Usage by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                          f. Europe Market Size-Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                            g. Europe Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                              h. Europe Market Size- Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                                                i. Europe - Market Trends

                                                                                                  j. Europe - Market Challenges

                                                                                                    Chapter 6: Asia Pacific- Market Overview

                                                                                                      a. Asia Pacific -Market Drivers:

                                                                                                        b. Asia Pacific Market Size- SIM Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Bn), key observations

                                                                                                          c. Asia Pacific Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                                                                                            d. Asia Pacific Market Size- Data Usage by SIM Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observation

                                                                                                              e. Asia Pacific Market Size- Data Usage by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                f. Asia Pacific Market Size-Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                  g. Asia Pacific Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                    h. Asia Pacific Market Size- Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                                                                      i. Asia Pacific - Market Trends

                                                                                                                        j. Asia Pacific - Market Challenges

                                                                                                                          Chapter 7: Latin America- Market Overview

                                                                                                                            a. Latin America -Market Drivers:

                                                                                                                              b. Latin America Market Size- SIM Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn), key observations

                                                                                                                                c. Latin America Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                                                                                                                  d. Latin America Market Size- Data Usage by SIM Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observation

                                                                                                                                    e. Latin America Market Size- Data Usage by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                      f. Latin America Market Size-Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                        g. Latin America Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                          h. Latin America Market Size- Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                                                                                            i. Latin America - Market Trends

                                                                                                                                              j. Latin America - Market Challenges

                                                                                                                                                Chapter 8: Middle East and Africa- Market Overview

                                                                                                                                                  a. Middle East and Africa -Market Drivers:

                                                                                                                                                    b. Middle East and Africa Market Size- SIM Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn), key observations

                                                                                                                                                      c. Middle East and Africa Market Size- SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2020-2025)(USD Mn), 4G, 3G, and 2G SIM Cellular M2M Connections(2016-2025)(USD Mn)

                                                                                                                                                        d. Middle East and Africa Market Size- Data Usage by SIM Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observation

                                                                                                                                                          e. Middle East and Africa Market Size- Data Usage by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: Data Usage (GB/month)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                                            f. Middle East and Africa Market Size-Data Traffic by SIM Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                                              g. Middle East and Africa Market Size- Data Traffic by SIM M2M Cellular Connections: 5G Traffic (EB / year)(2020-2025), 4G, 3G, and 2G Traffic (EB / year)(2016-2025), key observations

                                                                                                                                                                h. Middle East and Africa Market Size- Revenue: forecasted (2018-2025) (USD Bn), key observations

                                                                                                                                                                  i. Middle East and Africa - Market Trends

                                                                                                                                                                    j. Middle East and Africa - Market Challenges

                                                                                                                                                                      Chapter 9: 5G Global Landscape- Tests, Trials, and Demonstrations

                                                                                                                                                                        a. Company Overview - China Mobile

                                                                                                                                                                          i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                            ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                              b. Company Overview - Verizon Communications

                                                                                                                                                                                i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                  ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                    c. Company Overview - AT&T

                                                                                                                                                                                      i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                        ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                          d. Company Overview - Vodafone

                                                                                                                                                                                            i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                              ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                e. Company Overview - Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

                                                                                                                                                                                                  i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                      f. Company Overview - Sprint Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                                                        i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                            g. Company Overview - Deutsche Telekom

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  h. Company Overview - Telefónica

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        i. Company Overview - América Móvil

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              j. Company Overview - China Telecommunications Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                i. Key Highlights

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ii. 5G Growth Strategy and Investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Chapter 10: 5G-The Road Ahead

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a. 5G Impact on Media Companies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        b. 5G Impact on Connected Device Makers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          c. 5G Impact on Network Operators

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            d. 5G Impact on Network Suppliers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Chapter 11: Appendix

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a. Research Methodology

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  b. Assumptions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    c. About Netscribes Inc

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Get latest Market Research Reports on 5G Market –A USD 251 Bn Opportunity By 2025. Industry analysis & Market Report on 5G Market –A USD 251 Bn Opportunity By 2025 is a syndicated market report, published as Global 5G Market –A USD 251 Bn Opportunity By 2025. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of 5G Market –A USD 251 Bn Opportunity By 2025 market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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