Who is ReportsAndMarkets.com?

ReportsAndMarkets.com is an unique online platform dedicated for global business intelligence which leverages various market research publications published by leading publishers. ReportsAndMarkets.com is an credible source for market research reports that will help you take strategic decisions that are critical to the success of your business.

Why use ReportsAndMarkets.com?

ReportsAndMarkets.com delivers market research reports covering markets, industries, countries and companies. By continuously updating research from various leading market research companies and consultancies worldwide, we provide the most relevant, current and credible research available. The price of reports are lowest available across the globe. Our research specialists have in-depth knowledge of the publishers and the various types of reports in their respective industries. They save you time and money by personally assisting you in finding the right report.

How do I use ReportsAndMarkets.com?

ReportsAndMarkets.com has an advanced keyword search field on the top-right corner of every page or browse research by markets or categories. When you find a report of interest, click on the title to view extensive product information, including a description,table of contents, sample report & companies mentioned.

How can I contact customer service?

Our customer service and research specialist team are available by email at info@reportsandmarkets.com. Customer service hours are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Indian Standard Time (IST) Monday to Friday


How To Use Our Website

How do I use ReportsAndMarkets.com?

If you're new to the site, please register for enhanced user experience. Once you've registered or logged in, search or browse to find market research reports relevant to your business needs. Next, explore individual reports by reading their description, tables of contents, sample report and companies mentioned.

How do I add an item to my Shopping Cart?

Choose the publication type from drop-down option that's best suited for your business need and click on "Add To Cart" button to add the desired publication in your shopping cart.

How do I access my Shopping Cart?

You can view all publication in your shopping cart in the right hand sidebar's "Shopping Cart" section. Review your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.


User Registration & Accounts

Is registration mandatory on ReportsAndMarkets.com?

No. You don't need to create an account by registering on our website for browsing our research database. Registration is only required if you wish to purchase any publication from our site. Your user account will automatically be created at the checkout if you are not registered with us. Please register for enhanced user experience. You can access your account section by clicking on "Account" link located on top right hand side corner once logged-in. In your account area you will be able to see your order history, wishlists and more.

I forgot my password. What do I do?

You can request new password by entering your username or registered email address. The new password will be sent to the email address used during registration. You can also contact customer service between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm IST Monday to Friday for assistance with any of your account information.

How can I change my account information?

You can change your account information by visiting your account section by clicking on "Account" link located on top right hand side corner once logged-in. In your account area you can click on "Edit" button to see your account details where you will be able to modify them. If you have questions about making account changes or wish to discontinue using our service, you can also contact customer service between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm IST Monday to Friday & for assistance.


Our Publications

What type of publications I can buy from ReportsAndMarkets.com?

ReportsAndMarkets.com is a platform which offers syndicated market research reports. These reports feature quantitative and qualitative research on various markets, industries, countries and companies. The formats and lengths of reports vary with each type of publication. The majority of our reports are stand-alone studies conducted by various market research firms, which are available in different formats like PDF, print copies and CD-ROMs. There are also a number of periodical publications.

Who publishes the market research reports available on ReportsAndMarkets.com?

The market research reports available on ReportsAndMarkets.com are published by various leading market research firms and consultancies worldwide.

How are publications priced?

Publication prices are set by the publisher, so you don't need to worry about mark-ups. In fact, we often work with publishers to arrange special offers and promotions according to our policy.

How can I become a publisher on the site?

If you're interested in having your publications distributed through our service, please fill the publisher inquiry form or contact customer service between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm IST Monday to Friday at +1-352-353-0818 (US) for assistance.


Publication Ordering & Delivery

How do I place an order for publications?

Choose the publication type from drop-down option that's best suited for your business need and click on "Add To Cart" button to add the desired publication in your shopping cart. You can view all publication in your shopping cart in the right hand sidebar's "Shopping Cart" section. Review your shopping cart and proceed to checkout. You can modify your Shopping Cart by changing your various options for the respective publications. Once you’ve completed your choices here, click the "Checkout" button.

What types of payment are accepted?

For online orders we accept payments through Credit Card and PayPal. Arrangements for Wire transfer or Invoice can be made by contacting customer service at 9:00 am to 8:00 pm IST Monday to Friday at +1-352-353-0818 (US)

How long does delivery take?

Publications in case of PDF format are emailed to you by the publisher. Some PDF publications can also be available for online download immediately. We have made special arrangements to deliver the PDF copy within 48 hours to your e-mail id, depending on the time differences or occurrences of holidays. In case of printed publications, our turn around time for delivery is less than a few weeks. Note for first-time buyers: For your security, please note you will be contacted within one business day to verify your information prior to delivery of your first purchase. If you make your first purchase over a weekend or holiday, you will be contacted the following business day.

What are the shipping charges?

A shipping charge may apply when data is shipped in printed format. Shipping and handling charges are charged to the customer, based on the weight of the items ordered. Although the precise amount of the charges need not be stated. All shipping charges are available for review on the Shopping Cart screen prior to confirming your order.

What are the different License types and their use?

Single User License (PDF) : This license allows for use of a publication by one person. This person may use the publication on any computer, and may print out a single copy of the publication, but may not share the publication (or any information contained therein) with any other person or persons. Unless a Global License is purchased, a Single User License must be purchased for every person that wishes to use the publication within the same organization. Customers who infringe these license terms are liable for a Global license fee. Global License : This license allows for use of a publication by unlimited users within the purchasing organization e.g. all employees of a single company. Each of these people may use the publication on any computer, and may print out the report, but may not share the publication (or any information contained therein) with any other person or persons outside of the enterprise.

How about your Return Policy?

Due to the nature of the products being sold, refunds cannot be granted once the publications has been dispatched. Please be sure to read all available information about a publication before you place your order. It is advised that if you have any questions about a publication's coverage or relevance, simply contact us for expert assistance before you place your order. In case of damaged or incomplete goods refunds are at ReportsAndMarkets.com discretion.


Privacy & Security

What information is collected about me?

When you register or place an order we collect your name, email, company, contact information, address, payment related information. Your IP address is also recorded when you visit the site. Please see our detailed privacy policy for more information.

How is my privacy protected?

We protect your privacy by strictly adhering to the guidelines set out in our privacy policy. You can view and edit information we've collected from you at any time by visiting the "Account" page. If at any point you don't wish to receive updates, newsletters, or promotional communications you can opt-out or unsubscribe by following the directions in the email or emailing unsubscribe@reportsandmarkets.com with the word "Remove Me" in the subject line.

How is ReportsAndMarkets.com secured?

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information. We store the personal information you provide on computer systems, which are located in secure, controlled facilities. All information is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

What are cookies and how are they used?

A "cookie" is a passive piece of information stored on your computer's hard drive. It automatically informs ReportsAndMarkets.com of site-specific information, such as your username and what publications you've bought from our site in the past. Setting your browser to accept cookies will streamline your use of ReportsAndMarkets.com, so that you don’t have to log-in each time you visit our web site.