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Tourism Destination Market Insights: Turkey (2019) - Analysis of source markets, infrastructure and attractions, and risks and opportunities

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Table of Contents



        Key Trends

          New Developments

            Source Markets

              New Projects

                Types of Tourism

                  Seaside Tourism

                    Health and Wellness Tourism

                      Halal Tourism


                          City Focus: Istanbul

                            City Focus: Ankara

                              City Focus: Antalya

                                Regional Risk & SWOT Analysis

                                  Regional Risk

                                    SWOT Analysis






                                              Tourism Destination Market Insights: Turkey (2019) - Analysis of source markets, infrastructure and attractions, and risks and opportunities


                                              Tourism in Turkey represents more than 12% of the total economy of the country and, as a result, a lot of efforts are being made at government level to attract foreign visitors and boost domestic tourist. A plan devised in 2007 set a series of tourism objectives for 2023, including the creation of themed corridors and improvements at regional level.

                                              While it is mainly renowned for its temperate climate and its seaside holidays, it also has a lot to offer in terms of winter, gastronomical, thermal, sport and religious tourism. It also benefits from its varied heritage, with remnants of ancient civilizations and natural attractions, such as Pamukkale, the Hagia Sofia, Cappadocia and Topkapi Palace, which are well preserved and attract a large amount of culture-focused visitors.

                                              Germany (driven by VFR) and Russia (driven by seaside tourism) are the two main source markets for this destination.

                                              New trends in tourism are developing in Turkey. For instance, the government is currently advertising the country as a medical destination.

                                              This insight report includes an analysis of source markets, infrastructure and attractions, and assesses the risks and opportunities for Turkey as a destination market.


                                              - This report is part of GlobalData's Destination Market Insights Series. These reports provide an in-depth analysis of a tourist destination and its key source markets, as well as an assessment of the trends and issues in the covered destination market, in this case Turkey.

                                              Reasons to buy

                                              - Obtain a clear and detailed insight into new developments in popular, well-established and upcoming tourist destinations.
                                              - Use data and analysis to explore future trends related to international arrivals, airlines, niche tourism, and hotel developments.
                                              - Gain a strong understanding of the opportunities in the market, as well as the risks, to support better business decisions.

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