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TMT Predictions 2019 - Thematic Research

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Table of Contents

    2019 THEME MAP


        2. AI CHIPS


            4. INTERNET OF THINGS

              5. AMBIENT COMMERCE

                6. ROBOTICS

                  7. AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES

                    8. BATTERIES

                      9. 3D PRINTING

                        10. CLOUD COMPUTING

                          11. DATA CENTERS

                            12. CYBERSECURITY

                              13. QUANTUM COMPUTING

                                14. BLOCKCHAIN

                                  15. CRYPTOCURRENCIES

                                    16. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS

                                      17. 5G

                                        18. ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION

                                          19. VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY

                                            20. INTERNET TV

                                              21. GAMING

                                                22. FINTECH

                                                  23. MEDTECH

                                                    24. GEOPOLITICS

                                                      25. REGULATION

                                                        26. CHINA

                                                          27. INDIA

                                                            28. BREXIT

                                                              29. GENERATION HASHTAG

                                                                30. M&A

                                                                  APPENDIX: OUR THEMATIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

                                                                  TMT Predictions 2019 - Thematic Research


                                                                  In this report, we look at the big themes for 2019 across the technology, media and telecoms (TMT) industry, identifying winners and losers for each theme. For 2019, the major themes are: artificial intelligence (AI); AI chips; conversational platforms; the Internet of Things; ambient commerce; robotics; autonomous vehicles; batteries; 3D printing; cloud computing; data centers; cybersecurity; quantum computing; blockchain; cryptocurrencies; software defined networks; 5G; robotic process automation; virtual and augmented reality; internet TV; gaming; fintech; medtech; geopolitics; regulation; China; India; Brexit; Generation Hashtag; and M&A.

                                                                  This report contains predictions on major themes like AI, IoT, blockchain, 5G, Brexit, and more. It also identifies the winners and losers across these 30 themes, giving an invaluable insight into the companies best positioned to take advantage of disruptive themes and those that are at risk of being left behind.


                                                                  - This TMT Predictions 2019 report identifies the top 30 themes that will impact the technology, media and telecom sectors in 2019.
                                                                  - For each theme, we offer a series of predictions, identify winners and losers and point you to further reading.

                                                                  Reasons to buy

                                                                  - Companies who invest in the right themes become success stories; those who miss the big themes end up as failures. Given that so many themes are disruptive, it is very easy to be blindsided by industry outsiders who invade your sector.
                                                                  - So, to help our clients gain competitive advantage, we have developed GlobalData’s thematic research ecosystem, a single, integrated global research platform that provides an easy-to-use framework for tracking all themes across all companies in all sectors.
                                                                  - GlobalData’s thematic research ecosystem consists of our thematic engine supported by three tiers of thematic reports (single theme, multi-theme and sector scorecards), helping our clients look into the future.
                                                                  - This report is a multi-theme report organized by theme. It covers 30 themes, drawn from technology, macroeconomics, and regulation.

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