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Service Stations in Lithuania - Market Forecasts Model to 2023

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Service Stations in Lithuania - Market Forecasts Model to 2023


Total fuel consumption in Lithuania increased by 4.7% in 2018 compared to the previous year. Luktarna(viada) has the largest service station network, at 124 sites, amounting to 15.4% of the national network.

The Service Stations in Lithuania - Market Forecasts Model to 2023, database report provides a detailed breakdown of historic and forecast service station retail sales in Lithuania. The database offers the latest market shares by fuel. It also provides a range of key performance indicators by retailer.


Key data points include -
- Fuel volumes and value: by fuel type (gasoline 98, 95, diesel and electric)
- Total number of service stations: by site type (shop, car wash, unmanned, motorway, supermarket, company owned and with foodservice)
- Average service station site measurements: split by fuel space, car wash space, convenience space and foodservice space (Sqm and Sqft)
- Service station sales density: by fuel retailer and country

Reasons to buy

- Identify who are the major fuel retailers in the market and how many fuel outlets, motorway, supermarket, company owned, unmanned, shops, car wash and EV charge sites they have.
- Plan effective market strategies by uncovering market share and average fuel, car wash, convenience and foodservice sales per site of the major fuel retailers in the market.
- Benchmark your service station network against major competitors by uncovering average fuel retail space (sqm and sqft), car wash retail space, convenience retail space and foodservice retail space per site.
- Understand how the service station network is evolving and which players are opening new outlets as well as investing in additional site services such as shops, foodservice and car washes.
- Get sales density data on each of the key fuel retailers in the market for fuel, car wash, convenience and foodservice; identify the largest and fastest-growing market segments to inform market expansion and to manage risk.

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