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Impact of COVID-19 on Global Travel Intermediaries: Hot Topic Brief - Issue 1

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Table of Contents

    Analyst’s Overview

      Current COVID-19 Situation

        Industry Impact

          Future Scenarios

            Actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19


              Impact of COVID-19 on Global Travel Intermediaries: Hot Topic Brief - Issue 1


              COVID-19, commonly referred to as the Coronavirus, is dominating headlines the world over. The travel & tourism sector is suffering significant disruption and intermediaries are very much affected.

              Key Highlights

              - Travel intermediaries ultimately act as the direct link in the chain of distribution between a company and the consumer base, therefore if all sectors are struggling the effects on intermediaries will be dramatic.
              - Those operating on a global scale, with lower fixed costs and that operate through a multi-branded strategy may be in a better position to survive this pandemic but ultimately all are under considerable financial strain.
              - For many destinations, the aid of an OTA working in co-operation with the local industry would have been a vital contribution to the inbound tourism
              - to that destination. Furthermore, the value of travel intermediaries should still not be underestimated as tour operators, travel agents and other
              - providers of this kind still bring vital traction to a destination.


              - This report provides insight into the current state of play, offers a look at potential future scenarios and assesses the actions that intermediaries can take to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

              Reasons to Buy

              - Gain an overview of the current global COVID-19 situation
              - Understand the impact that COVID-19 is having on the industry
              - Explore future industry scenarios
              - Assess possible mitigating actions
              - Compare key industry players' actions

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