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ICT Investment Trends in Travel and Leisure

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Table of Contents

    Executive summary

      Key findings

        Survey Demographics

          Enterprise ICT Investment Strategy in 2017

            Enterprise ICT Budget Allocations - 2017 vs. 2018

              Segment ICT Budget Allocations - 2017 vs. 2018

                Hardware ICT Spend - Breakdown by Segment

                  Software ICT Spend - Breakdown by Segment

                    ICT Spend for Managed IT Services - Breakdown by Segment

                      Enterprise Network & Communication Services Spend by Segment

                        Future Outlook - Enterprise Technology Priorities

                          Future Outlook - Technology Investment Priorities

                            Future Outlook - Outsourcing Priorities for Select IT Functions

                              ICT - Vendor Analysis


                                ICT Investment Trends in Travel and Leisure


                                "ICT Investment Trends in Travel and Leisure", a Customer Insight Survey report by GlobalData, is one of the many products in the Digital Industry product portfolio, which provides an executive-level overview of the enterprise ICT budget trends in the sector. The report presents a summary of enterprise ICT investment strategy in 2017, change in annual enterprise ICT budget allocation from 2017 to 2018, enterprise technology priorities, and analysis of ICT vendors.


                                It provides in-depth analysis of the following -
                                - Executive Summary: This section provides key findings from the survey, and survey demographics.
                                - Enterprise ICT Investment Strategy in 2017: This section provides survey findings on key business objectives influencing enterprise ICT investment, breakdown of enterprise ICT spend by business function, and key decision making entities for enterprise technology investments.
                                - Enterprise ICT Budget Allocations - 2017 vs. 2018: This section presents survey findings on the annual change in enterprise ICT budget allocation by ICT function, by business function and by vendor type.
                                - Segment ICT Budget Allocations - 2017 vs. 2018: This section presents survey findings on the annual change in enterprise hardware/software/managed IT/network and communications services budget allocations.
                                - Future Outlook - Enterprise Technology Priorities: This section presents comparative survey findings on current enterprise technology investment priorities and over the next two years.
                                - ICT - Vendor Analysis: This section provides survey findings on the most preferred ICT technology vendors for enterprises in the sector.

                                Reasons to buy

                                - This customer insight survey report provides a thorough analysis of the enterprise ICT budget trends in the country, and strategic technology objectives of enterprises.
                                - The report drives special focus on enterprise ICT investment strategy in 2017, change in enterprise ICT budget from 2017 to 2018, and change in ICT budget allocation from 2017 to 2018 by segment (including hardware, software, managed IT services, and network & communications), by vendors, and ICT functions.
                                - The report offers detailed breakdown of opportunities within selected technology categories (IoT, ERP, data center & virtualization, and cloud computing), and factors influencing enterprises’ decisions in selecting ICT providers.
                                - The report also provides future outlook of enterprise technology investment priorities.
                                - With number of value added charts and tables presenting the survey findings, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality.
                                - The comprehensive survey findings on the enterprise ICT budget trends that the report provides, will help ICT product vendors, service providers and specialist outsourcers among other technology vendors in their product and promotional strategies and succeed in the challenging ICT market.

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