Freight Forwarding Market in India 2012
Slide 1: Executive summary
Slide 2: Freight Forwarding - Definition & Types
Slide 3: Evolution of the Freight Forwarder
Slide 4: Custom Broker, Freight Forwarder & 3PL - A Comparison
Slide 5: Value Chain
Slide 6: Advantages of Freight Forwarders over Carriers
Slide 7: Freight Forwarders' Streams of Income
Freight Forwarding - Segments & Features
Slide 8-9: Freight Forwarding - Segments, Services & Benefits
Slide 10-11: Freight Forwarding - Key Characteristics
Market Overview
Slide 12: Freight Forwarding Market - Global - Overview, Market Size & Growth (2008 and 12e), Market Size by Region (2010)
Slide 13: Major Players in Global Freight Forwarding Market - Market Share - Air Freight (2011), Market Share - Sea Freight (2011)
Slide 14: Freight Forwarding Market - India - Overview, Market Size & Growth (2010 - 15e)
Slide 15: Top 5 Freight Markets (2011 and 2020e)
Slide 16: Attractiveness in Freight Forwarding Market in India, Areas of Improvements
Slide 17: Factors for Selecting Transportation Mode
Slide 18:Freight Forwarding Market in India - SWOT Analysis
Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
Slide 19-23: Sustainable Procurement Guidelines for Freight Forwarding
Standard Trading Conditions
Slide 24-26: Standard Trading Conditions for Freight Forwarders
Drivers & Challenges
Slide 27: Summary
Slide 28-34: Drivers
Slide 35-43: Challenges
Technological Trends
Slide 44: Information flow through the Logistics Value Chain, EDI Platform
Slide 45: UPLIFT
Slide 46: 4S eTrans built on J2EE Platform
Slide 47-48: Technology Adoption by Leading Players
Slide 49-50: Technology Adoption - Case Study
Slide 51: Major Public Companies - Summary
Slide 52-64: Major Public Players - (Domestic)
Slide 65: Major Private Companies - Summary
Slide 66-106: Major Private Players
Slide 107-111: Others
Slide 112-114: Investments in Freight Forwarding Market in India
Strategic Recommendation
Slide 115: Recommendation to Set up Freight Forwarding Business
Slide 116: Strategic Recommendation for Freight Forwarders
Slide 117: Appendix
Slide 118: Sources of Information
Growth in international trade is providing huge impetus to the demand for freight forwarding in India. Furthermore, Intercontinental trade is expected to witness considerable growth in next five years. Freight forwarding sector in India has witnessed a significant growth due to robust economic growth. Key economic indicators including 100% FDI in logistics shows a healthy economic outlook for India. Post global slowdown freight forwarding companies have started to venture out into high end logistics solutions. Freight companies will benefit from the considerable planned investments in transportation infrastructure in India. Indian freight forwarding companies are now becoming competitive like their foreign counterparts.
The report begins with an introduction section, defining the market and classifying it into its types. The evolution of the freight forwarder is then projected. A Comparison between Custom Broker, Freight Forwarder & 3PL are given, followed by the value chain and the advantages of freight forwarders over carriers. Freight Forwarders' Streams of Income are also identified.
Freight Forwarding - Segments & Features section discusses the segments served, services provided and the customer's benefits from different types of freight forwarding. This section also provides the key characteristics of freight forwarding.
Market overview section provides a brief snapshot of the freight forwarding market both globally and in India. To begin with, it gives a brief overview of global freight forwarding market followed by its market size & growth. Region wise global market size is also given. Major Players in global freight forwarding market are identified from their market share in air freight and sea freight. Subsequently, a brief overview of Indian freight forwarding market followed by its market size & growth is projected. Top 5 Freight Markets in 2011 is identified with estimation in 2020. Attractiveness in freight forwarding market in India is also analyzed indicating the areas of improvement. Factors for selecting transportation mode are also identified in this section.
Sustainable Procurement Guidelines section deals with the sustainable procurement guidelines for freight forwarding. Their implementation in different areas of improvement is also provided. Further, steps to develop a sustainable procurement of freight transportation services are also discussed.
Standard Trading Conditions section deals with the standard trading conditions for freight forwarders.
Drivers & challenges section in the report provides a comprehensive set of factors which boosts and hinders the growth in the market. An analysis of the section brings forth the key drivers fueling growth in the market including growth in international trade, rapid economic growth & FDI in logistics, diversification into logistics business, improved transportation infrastructure and rising competitiveness among domestic companies. While the challenges identified comprises of strategic challenges such as stiff competition from international counterparts, rising freight costs, complex operation, lack of skilled manpower, lack of skilled manpower and poor infrastructure.
Technological Trends section in the report emphasizes the recent trends in the technology adopted in freight forwarding sector such as EDI platform, UPLIFT - universal platform for logistics & integrated freight transport and 4S eTrans built on J2EE platform. Information flow through the logistics value chain is also shown. Further technology adoption by leading players is also given. Two case studies on technology adoption are also discussed.
The competition section profiles the major players in freight forwarding market in India in details within the report which enables readers to get a clear picture of the current competitive scenario. The section lists the basic details of the players such as corporate information, business highlights and key members. The section also features financial analysis of key vendors which in turn provides us with the financial health of players.
Investments section of the report includes investments in freight forwarding market in India. Investments by multinational companies are also identified. Outbound M&A Deals, JVs & other investments by different freight forwarding or logistics companies are provided over the period 2010 - 12.
The strategic recommendations section suggests the recommendation to set up freight forwarding business. This section also puts forward the strategic recommendation for freight forwarders.