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City Profile - Denpasar; Comprehensive overview of the city, PEST analysis and analysis of key industries including technology, tourism and hospitality, construction and retail

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City Profile - Denpasar; Comprehensive overview of the city, PEST analysis and analysis of key industries including technology, tourism and hospitality, construction and retail.


      Denpasar (also referred to as Kota Denpasar) is the capital city of Bali province of Indonesia and the administrative center of Badung Regency. The service sector mainly drives the economic growth of the city, accounting for 77.2% of total GDP. Growth of the tourism industry led by measures taken by the government such as visa-free entry policy has also added value to the service sector driven economy.


          “City Profile - Denpasar” provides historical and forecast data on key city level metrics along with analytical coverage of the latest political, economic, social, technological, infrastructural, legal and environmental issues affecting Denpasar.

            The report contains detailed tourism, retail, construction, technology and public infrastructure data and insight into economic, social, and industry trends.


                - The tertiary sector was the largest contributor to the area’s GDP and its share increased from 73.8% in 2010 to 77.2% in 2018

                  - Denpasar city represents as one of the creative city and a popular tourist destination. It is also the center for government and business activities. Creativity of the city are materialized in form of animation, games, music, architecture, movie, information technology based products, fashion, culinary and art performance

                    Reasons to buy

                      - Gain a comprehensive knowledge of future economic and demographic trends and understand the performance of various sectors within the city.

                        - Analyze and understand the business environment in the city to align your investment and expansion strategies.

                          - The report helps to drive a conclusion in choosing a suitable city to invest or expand according to your business structure.

                            - Explore new opportunities in the hospitality, tourism, construction, real estate and retail sectors.

                            Table of Contents
                            City Snapshot 2
                            PEST Analysis 6
                            Political 6
                            Economic 7
                            Social 16
                            Technology and Infrastructure 21
                            Communications 21
                            Internal Transport Networks 21
                            Connectivity 21
                            Airports 22
                            Port 22
                            Business Environment Analysis 23
                            Travel and Tourism 24
                            Tourism Flows 24
                            Hotels 26
                            Attractions 28
                            Events 29
                            Construction and Real Estate 30
                            Investment 30
                            Real Estate Market 31
                            Retail 32
                            Retail Market 32
                            Consumption, Income and Prices 32
                            Appendix 33
                            Sources 33
                            Further Reading 33
                            Ask the Analyst 33
                            About MarketLine 33
                            Disclaimer 33

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