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Danone: Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series

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Table of Contents


      Digital Transformation Strategy

        Accelerator and Innovation Lab

          Technology Focus

            Technology Initiatives

              Partner Network Map

                ICT Budget & Contracts

                  Key Executives


                    Danone: Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series


                    Danone is actively paving the road to transformation into a digital enterprise, and to adequately support the digitization strategy. It has been showing interest in disruptor technologies and has-set investment plans for the same

                    The company has been increasingly developing augmented reality-based educational products and games to engage with children to boost sales of kids offerings

                    Its key technology accelerator and innovation platform includes AI Factory For AgriFood and Precision Nutrition D-Lab

                    Danone's vendors for major ICT contracts include Lab Group Services Ltd.,, and Delaware Consulting

                    The report provides information and insights into Danone's tech activities, including -
                    - Insights of its digital transformation strategies, accelerator, and innovation lab
                    - Overview of technology initiatives covering partnerships and innovative solution launch
                    - Insights on each technology initiative including technology theme, objective, and benefits
                    - Details of estimated ICT budgets and major ICT contracts


                    - Danone is migrating to cloud technology for various business operations and to upskill the workforce.
                    - The company launched cloud-based Campus 2.0, which provides personalized learning to employees
                    - Danone’s investment plan for 2020-2022 has €600 million of recurring costs for its facilities and value chain
                    - The company introduced blockchain-based Track & Connect service for its baby products

                    Reasons to Buy

                    - Gain insights into Danone's tech operations.
                    - Gain insights into its tech strategies and innovation initiatives.
                    - Gain insights into its technology themes under focus.
                    - Gain insights into various technology introduction, adoption, and partnership strategies of Danone.

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