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Carrefour S.A. - Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series

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Table of Contents


      Digital Transformation Strategy

        Incubation/Accelerator Programs

          Disruptive Tech Theme Map

            Technology Initiatives


                Partner & Acquisitions Network Map

                  ICT Budget & Contracts

                    Key Executives


                      Carrefour S.A. - Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series


                      Carrefour 2022: In 2018, Carrefour Brazil launched its first Innovation Forum in São Paulo, to bring together technology specialists, leaders, and companies.

                      C4 Retail Lab: Founded in 2017, C4 Retail Lab is a technology incubator in Poland to encourage young entrepreneurs and implement new technological innovations in the retail industry.

                      The report provides information and insights into Carrefour's tech activities, including -
                      - Insights of its digital transformation strategies and incubator programs
                      - Overview of technology initiatives covering partnerships and technology launches
                      - Insights on each technology initiative including technology theme, objective, and benefits
                      - Details of estimated ICT budgets and major ICT contracts.


                      - Carrefour is leveraging digital technologies to innovate retail industry by popularizing digital businesses, to cater to a wide variety consumers.
                      - The company established strategic partnerships with several technology firms to drive innovation and enhance business operations by emphasizing convenient payments systems and to make the selling process more streamlined.
                      - Carrefour, as part of its five-year growth strategy, is planning to increase investments into digital commerce by six-fold to €2.8 billion by 2022.
                      - Carrefour is using AI technology to optimize its supply chain including inventory management and reduce waste. AI solutions help the company efficiently manage inventory levels across its warehouses serving both physical outlets and e-commerce services.

                      Reasons to Buy

                      - Gain insights into Carrefour's tech operations.
                      - Gain insights into its tech strategies and innovation initiatives.
                      - Gain insights into its technology themes under focus.
                      - Gain insights into various product launches and partnerships strategies of Carrefour

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