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Brexit and the Healthcare Industry: Implications for Pharma - Q2 2019

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Table of Contents

    Study Design

      Executive Summary

        UK Pharma Industry and Brexit

          Outcomes of Brexit

            Factors to Impact Healthcare

              Impact on Research and Manufacturing

                Impact on Corporate Strategy

                  Impact on Relocation

                    Summary of Key Findings


                      Brexit and the Healthcare Industry: Implications for Pharma - Q2 2019


                      It has been over three years since the UK voted to leave the EU. After the UK and the EU agreed to a second delay to Brexit, it is due to happen on 31 October, 2019 and negotiations are still ongoing to determine the UK’s relationship with the EU after Brexit.

                      This report provides an assessment of how the pharmaceutical industry expects Brexit to affect the healthcare sector, both within and outside of Britain. This study will be repeated in autumn this year, to gauge the changing sentiment towards Brexit from within the healthcare industry.


                      - Outcomes of Brexit - Brexit outcome on October 31, best and most likely outcomes of Brexit providing respondent mix by geography
                      - Factors to Impact Healthcare-key factors to impact the post-Brexit UK healthcare industry providing respondent mix by region and seniority level as compared to previous survey waves in 2018 and 2019
                      - Impact on Research and Manufacturing - key factors to impact healthcare research and manufacturing in the UK post-Brexit providing respondent mix by region and seniority level as compared to previous survey waves in 2018 and 2019
                      - Impact on Corporate Strategy -level of impact of Brexit on corporate strategy providing respondent mix by region, seniority level, and headquarter location as compared to to previous survey waves in 2018 and 2019
                      - Impact on Relocation - impact of Brexit on staff and headquarter relocation as indicated by resondents whose headquarters is located in the UK as compared to to previous survey waves in 2018 and 2019.

                      Reasons to buy

                      - Develop and design your corporate strategies post-Brexit through an in-house expert analysis of the key factors to impact the post-Brexit UK healthcare industry.
                      - Develop business strategies by understanding the key factors to impact healthcare research and manufacturing in the UK post-Brexit.
                      - Stay up to date on the industry’s changing sentiment towards Brexit from within the healthcare industry with quarterly surveys.
                      - Identify emerging industry trends post-Brexit to gain a competitive advantage.

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